List of registered .XXX domains

6,658 domains in this list

1 domains added on last update
List type Updated Domains in list Added in last 24h
.XXX zone domain list (standard) March 31, 2025 6,658 1
.XXX zone domain list (detailed) March 31, 2025 6,658 1

Standard domain list includes the list of domain names (plain text format, one domain name per line).

Detailed domain list comes in .CSV (comma-separated) format download sample

It includes some additional fields:

  1. Domain name
  2. DNS servers (if any)
  3. IP (if any)
  4. Country by IP (if any)
  5. Country by HTML codepage (if any)
  6. Web server type (if any)
  7. Hostname (if any)
  8. Emails (if any)
  9. {% reserved service field %}
  10. Phone numbers (if any)
  11. Majestic traffic rank (if any)
  12. Discovery date

.xxx zone details

Total domains in this zone: 6,658

Unique IPs: 2,039

Active websites: 5,558

Total phones: 83

Total emails: 368

Last update (UTC time): Mar 31, 2025 12:00

Web Server Usage Statistics

Website Geo Location

.XXX zone registar
ICM Registry LLC
PO Box 30129
Palm Beach Gardens Florida 33420
United States

Zone WHOIS server

The .XXX domain zone was first created in 2011. The registrar of the domain zone is ICM Registry, LLC. It is created to allow pornography sites host their content. The international foundation for online responsibility is the sponsor of the domain zone. Since 15 April 2011, the domain zone has been in operation and it has helped host several pornography sites.

There are several restrictions put in place before one can register in the domain zone. For example, the registrars will assess your site and ensure it is an adult pornography site which does not offer adult content to minors. There are several adult sites out there and they put in place several strategies to avoid marketing of adult content to the minors. The applicants for the domain zone are vetted to ensure they have adult sites which offer pornography content to adults online. There are several sites out there which deal with pornography and they use the .XXX domain zones.