List of registered .VIP domains

1,244,059 domains in this list

3,835 domains added on last update
List type Updated Domains in list Added in last 24h
.VIP zone domain list (standard) March 31, 2025 1,244,059 3,835
.VIP zone domain list (detailed) March 31, 2025 1,244,059 3,835

Standard domain list includes the list of domain names (plain text format, one domain name per line).

Detailed domain list comes in .CSV (comma-separated) format download sample

It includes some additional fields:

  1. Domain name
  2. DNS servers (if any)
  3. IP (if any)
  4. Country by IP (if any)
  5. Country by HTML codepage (if any)
  6. Web server type (if any)
  7. Hostname (if any)
  8. Emails (if any)
  9. {% reserved service field %}
  10. Phone numbers (if any)
  11. Majestic traffic rank (if any)
  12. Discovery date

.vip zone details

Total domains in this zone: 1,244,059

Unique IPs: 120,577

Active websites: 896,760

Total phones: 7,751

Total emails: 23,174

Last update (UTC time): Mar 31, 2025 12:00

Web Server Usage Statistics

Website Geo Location

.VIP zone registar
Minds + Machines Group Limited
Craigmuir Chambers
Road Town
Tortola VG 1111
Virgin Islands, British

Zone WHOIS server

.VIP is a generic top level domain that was commissioned in September 2014 and went live on November 25, 2015. It is an international domain dedicated to lifestyle, it is owned by Minds and Machines, LLC.

Minds and Machines, LLC a subsidiary of MMX is the registry for .VIP, it is based in Santa Monica California. The company was founded in 2008 and has grown to be a big registry service with over 30 top level domains to date.

The .vip domain can be registered by anyone from anywhere. It is a domain that is meant to provide great prestige to a brand that offers lifestyle services. A .vip address gives the optics of an exclusive and luxurious brand that attracts high-end clientele.