List of registered .SE domains

1,399,988 domains in this list

690 domains added on last update
List type Updated Domains in list Added in last 24h
.SE zone domain list (standard) February 22, 2025 1,399,988 690
.SE zone domain list (detailed) February 22, 2025 1,399,988 690

Standard domain list includes the list of domain names (plain text format, one domain name per line).

Detailed domain list comes in .CSV (comma-separated) format download sample

It includes some additional fields:

  1. Domain name
  2. DNS servers (if any)
  3. IP (if any)
  4. Country by IP (if any)
  5. Country by HTML codepage (if any)
  6. Web server type (if any)
  7. Hostname (if any)
  8. Emails (if any)
  9. {% reserved service field %}
  10. Phone numbers (if any)
  11. Majestic traffic rank (if any)
  12. Discovery date

.se zone details

Total domains in this zone: 1,399,988

Unique IPs: 102,341

Active websites: 1,209,250

Total phones: 43,973

Total emails: 336,432

Last update (UTC time): Feb 22, 2025 12:00

Web Server Usage Statistics

Website Geo Location

.SE zone registar
The Internet Infrastructure Foundation
Box 92073
Stockholm SE-120 07

Zone WHOIS server

The .se domain a Swedish country code top level domain. It is under the management of Internetstiftelsen I Sverige also known as The Internet Foundation. Domain registration is available through certified registrars and it is instant.

From the time the domain was established up to April 2003, there were restrictions as to who can register a .se domain. Registration was limited only to companies and authorities and their registered domain had to be similar to each structure registered name. Also, these entities were restricted to registering only one domain per establishment.

The new governing rules that came into effect after October 2013, anyone can register any number of .se domains. The allocation of domains is by first come first serve basis. Domain names containing the letters å, ä, ö, ü and é can be used to register a .se domain.

Since the relaxation of registration restrictions, many companies have registered .se domains in bids to drive more Swedish traffic and become more attractive to the market in Sweden.