List of registered .PM domains

941 domains in this list

31 domains added on last update

List type Updated Domains in list
.PM zone domain list (standard) April, 2024 941
.PM zone domain list (detailed) April, 2024 941

Standard domain list includes the list of domain names (plain text format, one domain name per line).

Detailed domain list comes in .CSV (comma-separated) format download sample

It includes some additional fields:

  1. Domain name
  2. DNS servers (if any)
  3. IP (if any)
  4. Country by IP (if any)
  5. Country by HTML codepage (if any)
  6. Web server type (if any)
  7. Hostname (if any)
  8. Emails (if any)
  9. {% reserved service field %}
  10. Phone numbers (if any)
  11. Majestic traffic rank (if any)
  12. Discovery date

— Why we do not provide daily updates for .pm zone?
— Country-code registars never open their zone files to the public. The only way to discover domains in country-code zones is to do a massive recursive scan of all known websites. That's what we're doing. We use a massive cluster of servers and crawl the Web, then we check and clean the resulting lists. We know of millions of CCTLD-domains in hundreds of zones (and currently know of 941 domains in .pm zone), but we do not cover 100% of them (some of the smaller websites simply do not have any inbound links and that means that our crawlers cannot find them). Meanwhile we regularly add new domains to this list (1 time / 2 months).

.pm zone details

Total domains in this zone: 941

Unique IPs: 589

Active websites: 880

Total phones: 35

Total emails: 189

Last update (UTC time): Apr 23, 2024 08:24

Web Server Usage Statistics

Website Geo Location

.PM zone registar
Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.)
Immeuble Le Stephenson
1 rue Stephenson
78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux

Zone WHOIS server