List of registered .ORG domains

11,125,577 domains in this list

7,901 domains added on last update
List type Updated Domains in list Added in last 24h
.ORG zone domain list (standard) February 22, 2025 11,125,577 7,901
.ORG zone domain list (detailed) February 22, 2025 11,125,577 7,901

Standard domain list includes the list of domain names (plain text format, one domain name per line).

Detailed domain list comes in .CSV (comma-separated) format download sample

It includes some additional fields:

  1. Domain name
  2. DNS servers (if any)
  3. IP (if any)
  4. Country by IP (if any)
  5. Country by HTML codepage (if any)
  6. Web server type (if any)
  7. Hostname (if any)
  8. Emails (if any)
  9. {% reserved service field %}
  10. Phone numbers (if any)
  11. Majestic traffic rank (if any)
  12. Discovery date

.org zone details

Total domains in this zone: 11,125,577

Unique IPs: 923,941

Active websites: 9,514,907

Total phones: 208,195

Total emails: 1,310,920

Last update (UTC time): Feb 22, 2025 12:00

Web Server Usage Statistics

Website Geo Location

.ORG zone registar
Public Interest Registry (PIR)
1775 Wiehle Avenue
Suite 102A
Reston Virginia 20190
United States

Zone WHOIS server

The .ORG domain zone was first created on January 1, 1985. It is a top level domain in the (DNS) Domain Name System. It was truncated from the name organization. The MITRE was the first Corporation to register the domain. The current registrar of the domain is Public interest registry. The registrar assumed the services from the VeriSign Global Registry services in the year 2003.

The domain name was originally meant for non-profit organizations. Some of the entities which the domain name was created for include schools, comminutes, open source projects among others. The original aim of setting up the domain was to be used strictly by non-profit making organizations did not see the light of day because the registrars were unable to implement the restrictions. Any organization can register the domain name regardless it is profit making or non-profit making organization. The registry of the .ORG domain name allows high levels of security which many online entities prefer. Over 10 million accounts run on the domain name.